Is Staff Safety Right for You?
Gain real visibility at any given moment through an intuitive software dashboard.
ID badge-style personal tags for maximum comfort and system adoption.
Enterprise-class system that centrally monitors staff in multiple locations & allows for easy caregiver transfer between facilities.
Strongest immunity to wireless interference with zero impact on or from Wi-Fi networks, and reduced risk of missed alarms typically associated with infrared and Wi-Fi communications.
Multiple duress alarm messaging options (e.g. workstation alarms, email, mobile client, CCTV, voice messaging).
Configurable tag buttons, & two-way communications.
Why GuardRFID® for Staff Safety?
The GuardFRID Staff Safety Solution allows you to respond in real-time and provide staff protection.
Integrates with existing hospital systems
Ensure your staff safety is part of your larger facility strategy
Multiple communication protocols
Trigger additional responses from network video management systems, access control, and IT systems
User-activated push buttons
Locate employees quickly and summon help when needed
Configurable buttons can generate various responses
How RTLS for Staff Safety Works
Deliver real-time safety to staff in hospitals and long-term healthcare facilities
Staff members are assigned an active RFID tag with call button support . This can be worn in a wristband or attached to a lanyard. The tags communicate with the GuardRFID infrastructure in real-time to facilitate staff location and alerts in the AllGuard® software if the tag call button is pressed. When the alarm is received in real-time, the software can be configured to generate various responses, including sending notifications to authorized personnel (for example, security guards) or triggering an audible alarm to help diffuse the situation.
Solution Advantages
Rich suite of business logic implemented in the AllGuard server, including interfaces to third-party systems.
Staff Tags feature two configurable buttons, LEDs and man-down detection capability.
Tags maintain their RF performance when attached to people.
Dedicated RTLS network reduces risk of interference from other systems.
Choose Between
Active RFID (433 MHz) and BLE (2.4 GHz)
Active RFID (433 MHz)
Best for security applications where rapid, reliable door locking is required
Purpose designed for RTLS
- Does not interfere with other systems
- Not susceptible to other uses of the system
Best RF performance for tags attached to people
Low power requirements allows for small, long battery life tags
Accuracy of 3m using RSSI trilateration
Utilizing LF exciters can achieve room level location
BLE (2.4 GHz)
Cost effective solution for facility wide safety applications
Based on Bluetooth standard which allows for low priced components
Low power requirements allows for small, long battery life tags
Utilizes Wi-Fi for data backhaul
Suitable for Wayfinding applications
Accuracy of 3m using RSSI trilateration
Can achieve adjacent room accuracy using gateway in each room