Indoor Navigation App for Patients and Visitors
Navigating your way through a healthcare facility can be confusing and can lead to missed or late appointments, increased frustration, and lost productivity for patients and staff.
Our Wayfinding Solution works much like a GPS that’s customized for your facility.
Bluetooth® Wireless Technology-Based Positioning App

Our Wayfinding Solution seamlessly integrates powerful location-identification software with strategically placed readers and gateways throughout a building or campus. This creates a user-friendly, step-by-step, turn-by-turn map that guides users from the parking lot to their destination with ease.
Users have multiple options for interacting with the system, including a downloadable application for iOS or Android on their mobile device, a web-based version, or kiosks located throughout the facility. The system also uses audio or text prompts to notify patients and other users if they deviate from their intended path, similar to GPS.
However, unlike GPS, our solution offers precision location identification within a range of 1-2 meters and can even detect the specific floor a person is on, rather than just providing an aerial view. This level of accuracy translates into an enhanced patient/visitor experience and a more efficient workplace for staff.
Fewer missed or late appointments
Customized traffic flows to avoid bottlenecks
Support of social-distancing policies
Less reliance on staff to provide directions
How Does the Digital Wayfinding System Work?
Take the case of a hospital or other healthcare facility. We have patients covered from before they even arrive. The appointment confirmation will include a link to access the wayfinding system. From there they are assisted with:
Patients & visitors are directed to the closest garage where arrival is detected & parking location is saved
Step-by-step guidance throughout entire visit
Patients and visitors can locate each other and meet
People using the system in a specific zone can be alerted should the need arise
Because their parking location was logged, directions back to patient and visitor vehicles are provided